Plant 15 – Tube plant
Plant 15 – Tube plant is the largest tube producer in the Czech Republic.
The key production programme of the Plant consists of seamless tubes, rolled at two Stiefel Mills, producing plain, threaded, flange and oil tubes. The tubes rolled at St 4-10" and St 140 are produced of continuously casted billets. The seamless oil tubes- casing, pump, drill and pipe-line tubes are the most demanding products. The Plant has been authorized to mark its oil tubes with the American Petroleum Institute monogram- API since 1957. Apart from the common API threads the Plant also supplies casing and tubing pipes with the Premium Connection (gas-tight thread).
The helically welded pipes are produced from hot-rolled coils at the Spiral Mill. The tubes are both, bare as well as PE coated. The three-layer PE coating, eventually fiber-cement mortar coating (FZM type) are used in gas industry. The Plant disposes of the necessary testing as well as inspection devices and up-to-date, non-destructive methods are used for quality testing, guaranteeing the required quality of the tubes supplied.
Plant 15 – Tube plant, as the first one in the Czech Republic, successfully certified the quality system under ISO 9001 standard in 1992. The environmental management system under ISO 14001 standard was firstly certified in 1999. Then, in 2008, the Company also acquired Safe Workplace Management certification under OHSAS 18001 standard as well as Energy System Management certification under ISO 50001 in 2016.
Plant 15 – Tube plant has also been certified by famous certification bodies such as Lloyd's Register EMEA (1988), Bureau Veritas (1992), DNV-GL (1996) and others. The Company´s seamless and spiral-welded pipes for pressure devices were certified under the European directive PED 2014/68/EU by TÜV NORD in 2011.

→ Carbon Alloyed Boiler pipes (1 558 kB)
→ Oil Country Tubular Goods (965 kB)
→ Seamless pipes (734 kB)
→ Spiral welded pipes (461 kB)
System and product certifications, approval of certification bodies
Plant 15 – Tube plant
IMS (Integrated Management System) certification is currently inevitable for production companies which are willing to remain its sustainability in the long run and want to develop its ability to offer good-quality products. Such companies need to comply with all legal regulations as well as be prepared to meet the customers ´ requirements in full. Thanks to the successful IMS certification the Company succeeds to enhance the customers´ satisfaction as well as it improves its performance and competitiveness.
Plant 15 – Tube plant has been a holder of three API (American Petroleum Institute) licences on oil tubes under API rules since 1957. Currently, this specific tube assortment plays a significant role within the total annual tube production. Other key products certifications utilized mainly on the European market are tubes certified for pressure purposes PED 2014/68/EU and for structural purposes CPR 305/2011. Certification by e.g. Lloyd’s Register and DNV - GL a Bureau Veritas are highly important for ship-building industry where the certification body approval is inevitable for the products´ third party inspections.
Quality Management System certificates |
Environment Management System certificates |
Product certificates |
Certificates of compliance with statutory regulations |
Equipment capability certificates |
Certifications of external approbation bodies |
Work safety certificates |
Attestations and accreditations |
Energy Management System certificates |
Certification body |
Scope of certification |
Type of certification |
Certificate number |
Expiration date |
Remark |
5CT-2113 |
03/2019 |
API 5L |
5L-1194 |
03/2019 |
5DP-0259 |
03/2019 |
Bureau Veritas |
ISO 9001 |
CZ008372-2 |
11/2022 |
Bureau Veritas |
ISO 14001 |
CZ008373-2 |
11/2022 |
Bureau Veritas |
ISO 45001 |
CZ008374-2 |
11/2022 |
ISO 50001 |
44 764 160279-001 |
08/2021 |
Lloyd's Register |
Seamless pipes made of C, C-Mn and alloyed steels |
LR2001867WA |
12/2022 |
DNV - GL |
Seamless pipes made of C, C-Mn and alloyed steels |
AMMM000026N |
06/2021 |
Bureau Veritas |
Seamless pipes made of C, C-Mn and alloyed steels |
SMS.W.II./11958/E.2 |
12/2020 |
PED 2014/68/EU |
07/202/9190/WZ/0807/18 (02) |
10/2021 |
AD 2000 Merkblatt W0 |
07/203/9190/WP/0807/18 (02) |
10/2021 |
CPR 305/2011 EN 10210 |
0045-CPR-0807-1 |
10/2024 |
CPR 305/2011 EN 10219 |
0045-CPR-0807-2 |
10/2024 |
CPR 305/2011 EN 10255 |
1326WL31702 |
no expiration date |
Ü-zeichen |
3537WL31781 |
no expiration date |
EN ISO 3834-2 |
07/203/9190/HZ/3545/19 (01) |
10/2022 |
AD 2000 Merkblatt HP0 |
07/203/9190/HP/3545/19 (01) |
10/2022 |
NDT - seamless and welded pipes |
VER1 072019EN |
07/2022 |
UL |
Seamless pipes for fire-fighting purposes |
EX26915 |
no expiration date |
Internal cement mortar lining for drinking water supply |
DW-7105CM0487 |
04/2021 |
Eurofins |
Internal cement mortar lining for drinking water supply |
17 CLP NY 036 |
10/2022 |
ZETOM Katowice |
Znak Budowlany - EN ISO 3183 |
005-UWB-027 |
no expiration date |
ZETOM Katowice |
Znak Budowlany - EN 10216-1 |
005-UWB-092 |
no expiration date |
ZETOM Katowice |
Znak Budowlany - EN 10216-2 |
005-UWB-093 |
no expiration date |
ZETOM Katowice |
Znak Budowlany - EN 10216-3 |
005-UWB-094 |
no expiration date |
ZETOM Katowice |
Znak Budowlany - EN 10217-1 |
005-UWB-095 |
no expiration date |
ZETOM Katowice |
Znak Budowlany - EN 10217-5 |
005-UWB-096 |
no expiration date |
INiG Krakow |
AT/2013-03-14 vyd. l/2013 |
09/2018 |
TSÚS Bratislava |
Act No. 133/2013 - EN ISO 3183 |
S04/15/0017/70/SK |
no expiration date |
TSÚS Bratislava |
Act No. 133/2013 - construction pipes |
SK04-ZSV-2364 + SK TP - 16/0103 |
no expiration date |
TSÚS Bratislava |
Act No. 133/2013 - gas piping |
SK TP-16/0061 |
no expiration date |
TSÚS Bratislava |
Act No. 133/2013 - water piping |
SK TP - 15/0065 |
no expiration date |
TSÚS Bratislava |
Act No. 133/2013 - LDPE |
SK TP - 15/0066 |
no expiration date |
SZÚ Brno |
Act No. 22/1997 - EN ISO 3138 |
202/C5/2019/B-00386-19-rev.1 |
no expiration date |
SZÚ Brno |
Act No. 22/1997 - plain-end pipes |
202/C5/2020/B-00459-20 |
no expiration date |
SZÚ Brno |
Act No. 22/1997 - welded pipes |
202/C5/2019/B-00595-19-rev.1 |
no expiration date |
SZÚ Brno |
Act No. 22/1997 - pipes suitable for screwing |
202/C5/2020/B-00460-20 |
no expiration date |
TZÚS Brno |
External cement coatings |
204/C5/2020/060-050310 |
no expiration date |
TZÚS Brno |
Internal cement coatings |
204/C5/2020/060-050304 |
no expiration date |
TZÚS Brno |
External cement coatings for pipe jacking |
204/C5/2020/060-050307 |
no expiration date |
State Labor Ins. |
OHSAS 18001 |
Reg. No. 3/16/BP |
05/2019 |
NDT laboratory accreditation |
411/2019 |
07/2023 |
T-Standart, TOO |
1484920 |
05/2021 |
Declaration of Performance
Plant 15 – Tube plant
A prerequisite for designating any construction product with CE mark of conformity is the “Declaration of Performance” which replaced the previous document “EC Declaration of Conformity” effective as of July 1, 2013. The declaration must be attached to such construction products to which the European standard applies or to which ETA (European Technical Approval) was issued when introducing the product on the market. Such Declaration of Performance is issued by the manufacturer and the manufacturer is also fully responsible for data the document contains. In compliance with Dziennik
Ustaw as of 2016, the tube deliveries which are not subject to CPR 305/2011/EU, Krajowe Deklarace Wlaściwości Użytkowych in Polish need to be issued.
DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE (Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council No.: 305/2011)
Plant 15 – Tube plant