Blast Furnaces Plant
Blast Furnaces Plant has four blast furnaces. Currently this plant operates three blast furnaces with an annual capacity more than 2 million tons of hot metal which is sufficient to meet the requirements of hot metal customers.
Three quarters of hot metal production are consumed by Steel Plant, approximately one fifth of the production is supplied to EVRAZ VÍTKOVICE STEEL a.s. and the lowest volume of hot metal is cast during excess production of hot metal into pigs in several quality grades – mostly foundry grades – depending on the requirements of the customers for chemical composition of pig iron. Iron ore charge for blast furnaces is ensured from three quarters by sintering of sinter fines in our own Sinter Plant and the remaining portion of iron ore charge is formed by pellets, lump ores and also secondary materials.
Blast furnace coke is supplied from the neighboring Coke Oven Plant, part of blast furnace coke and liquid fuel is purchased from external sources. Besides production of hot metal and sinter which is used for internal consumption only we also sell blast furnace slag products, i.e., slag aggregate in several granulometric sorts produced mainly for construction purposes and also granulated blast furnace slag for further processing in cement factories and glass factories. The hot metal and slag product mix meets the requirements of ČSN ISO 9001 and since 1998 it has been regularly certified by the Technical and Testing Construction Institute in Prague. This certification institute certified compliance of the quality control system for production and supply of steel making and foundry grade hot metal and products made from blast furnace slag with the ČSN EN ISO 9001 : 2000 standard.