Environmental investments
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    The application of an integrated approach to pollution limitation is one of the most important tools of Liberty Ostrava... Environment

Environmental investments

We like our region, we feel responsible for it and we are not indifferent to the environment. For this reason we thoroughly pursue sustainable development which is an integral part of our company management system.

In 2011 we built a state-of-the-art bag filter at sinter plant north worth of 1 billion CZK. In 2012 we desulpharised coke plant for more than 200 million CZK and in early 2013 we de-dusted lime routes at Steel plant with a bag filter. Also thanks to these investments we managed to reduce dust emission for the first time ever well below 1 000 tons a year though back in 2003 (acquisition of the mill by Liberty) emission reached 2 000 tons! Our total environmental investments soared from 2003 till 2013 up to 4 billion CZK. And in spite of the fact that since 2008 we have coped with the consequences of the global financial crisis.

In 2013 we kicked-off another phase of the mill’s modernisation and environmental investments which was completed in 2015. We have built a total of 13 subsidized environmental projects at a value of 2 billion CZK. Annually these new emission reduction technologies collect more than 520 tons of dust of chimney and fugitive emissions. And not only that the sinter plant south filters also collect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon with high efficiency (above 99%) including benzo(a)pyren. In 2006 investments in billions pushed down annual dust emissions to 440 tons which is not even a quarter of the value in 2003 when Liberty bought the mill.

Environmental investments

News release PhDr. Barbora Černá Dvořáková, MBA - PR manager & Spokesperson >