Transport Plant
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Transport Plant

Transport Plant provides services in area of internal railway and road transport and carriage for individual organizational company units, for the company as a whole and also for external entrepreneurial subjects seated within the company area.

Transport plant is divided into one sections (Technology), plant Rail transport and plant Road transport. As a basic plant performances are operation of railway and railway traffic under the Act No. 266/1994 Coll., on Railways and corresponding Decrees on the basis of official permissions and licences, trade activity in area of railway domestic carriage, commercial and customs services, loading methodology and management with wagons for loading, coordination of employees transport, care about basic property funds (means of transport, transport infrastructure, other property), administrator of the main roads of the company, industrial dump administrator.

Railway track has length 199 km and road track 52,5 km in company area. Transport Plant activity is ensured by health & professional qualified employees with special training and supervised by state offices – by Railway Office and Railway Inspection. Railway transport safety is secured with help of installed interlocking control system. In the sphere of road transport it provides maintenance and repairs of the road vehicles and special road vehicles, the technical and emission inspection of the road vehicles, cars washing etc. Transport Plant is member of Czech Republic associations interested in transport area and participates in various transport projects.

Transport Plant

News release News release PhDr. Barbora Černá Dvořáková, MBA - PR manager & Spokesperson >